I was happy.I had an early day at office or i should probably say,an early evening.Since the server went down i came out of the office early.But i didnt know there was one more surprise waiting for me.RAIN!!
The moment i stepped out it started pouring.

On a normal day i would have hated it.But today i was out of the office early and i was happy.People who work can totally relate to this.Getting out of the office is the best thing to happen and if its early then the bestest thing.

I normally hate rains.I hate all the mess that it creates.Traffic jams,dirty roads and much more.And there are instances too when i love rains-when i just have to stay at home gazing at the rain from window and have a cup of hot coffee, long drive with someone special,drive with friends.I love them a bit conditionally.I just don't want to get out in the rain.That's it.

Well today was one such day that i was too happy to bother about getting drenched.So when i am happy even rains couldn't destroy my happiness.So inner happiness is more important.No matter what, be happy from inside,outer circumstances just don't matter.

Stay happy :) :)


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