POST 11:I don't live there anymore.

Some months ago i remember reading a diary which i wrote during my engineering days.I used to write about the important events of the day.

When i read that,i felt it was not me who has written it.Sometimes i smiled because i found myself too sweet,sometimes i got angry cause of my stupidity,sometimes i laughed till my stomach hurts reading those routine of mine.

Realization of that day:Yes,I have changed.

Next thing i did was call up a best friend and ask 'Did such things happen with you.I am feeling like i am reading a stranger's diary'.After a real long discussion i did feel everyone goes through this.(I really thought i was a split personality for a moment.And its defintely not a good feeling).

As far as i have discussed it with people and got the conclusion,we all have changed with circumstances and for our own good.We couldn't deal with the situations we are dealing with the same old personality we had.If you ask me,i  would have either gone under depression or committed suicide.But now,i would give all the possible advice to deal with any situations.

Change is necessary.Everything changes so do we.Can we use the same Nokia 1100 for life?No.We will get bored.Similarly we may get bored of our personality too.So "Life" keeps on updating us with a newer version before we go outdated.

Love the change .But let the change get the best out of you.


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