DAY 3:Priorities in life.

If you know me personally or through social media you will be quite aware that I love Sundays.But what if you wake up on your favourite day with an eye infection?

Yes.It happend to me today.Not a good thing to remember how I woke up to see that I got an infection in the right eye but I was still calm as it was Sunday.That's the thing about the days you love.When you are happy with how the things are even the problems doesn't have the power to mess your life.

The most important thing i learnt about this whole episode is that I will still do things I love to no matter what.This is my third day of blog marathon and here I am ,wearing my glasses and doing the writing part.

Would i have taken this extra mile for my job?

Hell NO.

That's the thing about the things you love and just a job.

I do my writing stuff and work on my business stuff be it weekend or weekday but tell me to be in office on a Sunday I will put  resignation the same day.I don't know about others but I have always lived in extremes.Either I like something or I dislike,there is nothing in between.

So people who are asking why not quit the job?

Yes I will.As of now let the job look after my bills(That's the sole purpose it serves) while I chase my dream.


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