Post 6:The Power of Your Subconscious Mind(Part 1)

Happy Sunday Everyone,

Hope everyone out there is having a great Sunday.As I have put in my Post 4:TGIF I am a weekend fan and I feel everyone needs to be happy on a Sunday.

I have been reading this book again-"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind".I have some favourite books and I love going back to them.I call them "the feel good books".To name a few-The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, The Monk who sold his ferrari by Robin Sharma and ofcourse The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling .

The Power of Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy is a book i feel everyone needs to read.We have a great power within which is our subconscious mind and its a great servant and a terrible master.Once we know how to master this power our life will be filled with abundance but sadly we don't know its power.

Our mind consists of two parts-The Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind.The conscious mind is the objective mind.It analyses everything around you,makes perceptions,judgements etc.Subconscious is the subjective mind.It takes everything fed by the conscious mind  to be the truth.If the conscious mind tells it to believe 2+2= 5 even though its  actually wrong ,the subconscious mind will take it to be true.It doesn't argue.So we need to take care what we are feeding our brain with.Feed it with good thoughts and you will have a healthy mind,feed it with negativity your life will be a mess.

I am back to reading this great book and I will be back with more insights.

To be continued...


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