A very happy and a prosperous new year to all.

Wish list Wednesday No.4.

The first thing i did this new year was to write my wishlist.From the day i started reading the book "The Secret Wishlist",I always wanted to make one.And finally the Wishlist is ready and i am very sure of getting all those by the end of this year.

Coming to the Wishlist Wednesday No.4
I wish everyone loved themselves for what they are.We always want to be someone else.I remember my childhood days when i wanted a haircut,dress,shoes etc like someone else and forgot that i should be thankful for what i am. Realisation dawned and here i am telling everybody "Love Yourself",thats the best thing you can do to your self.Be grateful and thankful for what you are,there can't be another you.You are a masterpiece.

Have a great year ahead.

Stay blessed.

#Love2013(This is how i have been texting,tweeting and updating my status since yesterday.I am so much in love with 2013.I wish i would i would know the reason.Ooops one more wish!!!)


  1. Realisation dawned and here i am telling everybody "Love Yourself",thats the best thing you can do to your self

    Good one..


  2. Thank you so much for your valuable comment

  3. हैप्पी न्यू इअर!!
    वैसे विशलिस्ट और ईच्छाओं का जहाँ तक सवाल है, तो मेरा एक पुराना पोस्ट पढों...ईच्छाओं के खेल पर ही है, शायद पसंद आये - http://abhi-cselife.blogspot.in/2010/11/blog-post_05.html

  4. Hi Shreya, well said. Its important to like one's own self as we are. But to share some experience, I've met quite a few nuts who literally worship themselves for what they are - they take the loving yourself thing a bit too far. :) best regards, Komal

  5. Thank you abhishek bhaiya.I will definately read

  6. Hello Komal.

    Thank you for reading my blog and yes i agree with what you are saying about "few nuts"(as u call them).As we definately know there is a difference in being confident and being over confident,that's what we see here.Anything we over-do definately becomes negative.Love yourself but dont get over-obsessed.



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