The landline starts ringing as I have just entered my home sweet home after a long day at school.From the day I have entered 10th standard all I have got to hear is of board exams and it takes out all the fun out of  life.

I rush to pick up the call thinking its mom calling me from her office  to check out whether I am back home.But this time its someone else on the other side and asks me who I am.The stubborn attitude inside me wakes up and I reply “You have called me so u better tell me who are you?”

He replies “I find your voice familiar to one of my friend in Delhi,so will you please tell me your name”
I tell him to stop this nonsense and I bang the receiver.Been after a tiring day at school, and then to cope up with this idiot..What a day!!!!

Then I remember that if I keep thinking about this I will get late for my tuitions.
I have my food,get ready for my tuitions and call up my  friend to pick me up as I and my friend go together always.

Its 3.30pm and doing Maths when you are so sleepy is something next to impossible.But then I remember that its one of the important chapters for exam and I put my entire effort to concentrate.After one and a half hour of mental strain I go back home to find the phone ringing again.

I answer to the call and find out it’s the “IDIOT” again..Oh No!!!!

I tell him not to disturb me but he tells me not to disconnect the call.

“I want to talk to you,you seem nice to me”, he says

I reply “I know you love irritating girls but this time you are wasting your time”

Suddenly the door bell rings and I suddenly tell him unknowingly “Call me tomorrow”

After I disconnect the call I wonder whats got over me,how can I tell a stranger to call me tomorrow and the only thing I know is I have to bear with this Idiot tomorrow.

Next day, I come back from school again and I am a bit relieved that the phone is not ringing.

I put on the TV ,start watching a daily soap and have my lunch.After 5 mins where all the attention is on my daily soap the phone rings.

I attend the call and from the other side “Hi,this is Sahil now may I know your name please”.

I am not sure what to tell and then I reply after a long pause “Surbhi”.
“Friends?” he asks me.

“I don’t know anything about you,how can we be friends” ,I reply

“Surbhi,we didn’t know each other but now we know each others name.In a same manner we will get to know each other”Sahil explains to me.

“Ok” I tell him a bit confused

After some minutes of talking I ask him “Are you Sahil or somebody from school who is playing prank on me.If you are playing a prank you are going to get it badly from me”

He laughs to it and replies “Ohh Madam,main to Sahil hu.(Ohh Madam,I am Sahil),I don’t know whom you are talking about”

Anyways I don’t find his voice familiar and I leave this topic.

We talk for sometime and then I realize that I have to go to my tuition classes.I tell Sahil to call me the next day at same time.

This routine continues for some days.We get to know more about each other (What we do,Likes,Dislikes etc ) and then finally Sahil asks me “Shall we meet?”

I am blank for some moments and I don’t know what to say..How can I meet some stranger.
And I just reply, “I will think about it”

Next day at school I catch hold of two of my best friends Aaisha and Seema.I blurt out my whole story to them.Seema likes it and I get some angry looks from Aaisha.Somehow I and Seema convince her that lets go and meet Sahil and I tell her that if she is present then I will be comfortable.

One on the same day I tell Sahil that I am ready to meet him.I have all kinds of turmoil inside my head about this decision of mine.Sahil seems happy and asks me where do I want to meet him.
“I want you to be comfortable and feel safe when you meet me,so its completely your choice.You tell the place and I will be there” says Sahil.

“Ok,let me think Sahil….hmmmmm….What about Hira Sweets in Citylight road?”

“Ok,now the place is confirmed but when shall we meet?” questions Sahil.

“Hmmm…what about 6th Oct,the coming Sunday?It will be fine for both of us,I will complete my tuitions in the morning itself and you will also be free from your office schedule”

Sahil is a student of first year of graduation and helps his father in his business.So he is normally busy with this office work.Well!!! that’s what he says..

He agrees,  “Ok Surbhi so lets meet on that day at evening 4.30pm but there seems to be a problem.We have never seen each other till date how will we recognize each other”.

I answer , “I will wear a Orange salwar suit and will be accompanied by two my friends, you also decide what you wil wear”

He replies, “I will wear a Green Shirt”

“Ok then,we will meet up Sahil”

“Yes Surbhi,finally we are going to meet”

Next day in the school,I tell my friends about the talk I and Sahil had and they agree to come home on Sunday so that we all three of us will go together.

The week passes by  doing homework,going to tuitions,having class tests and much more torture.The only relief is talking to Sahil.Sahil seemed like a blessing to me.
Finally ,its 6th October,the day I have been waiting.

This city,Surat I have been living since two and a half years seemed different this morning.Everything seemed so bright,I even loved the Science tuition class today.I had fun while coming back with my friends.This seemed a perfect life.When you are happy everything seems good and joyful. I thanked Sahil silently..

Its 3pm and I am watching “Mujhse Dosti Karoge”…What a sheer co-incidence,today I am gonna meet my friend or shall I call best friend and here I am watching a movie on friendship.

My friends arrive at home around 3.30.We have some snacks prepared by mom and then we leave around 4.15 telling my parents that we have to purchase a gift for one of our friend.The important thing is I wore a PINK(with a bit of orange shade) salwar suit instead of Orange(it was not done purposefully).

When we reach Hira Sweets which is just 5 mins from where I stay I didn’t find anybody with a Green Shirt.We waited for 20 mins but couldn’t find any “Mr.Green Shirt”.

I could see all  weird people wearing Green Shirt that day and after seeing a cyclewala in green shirt my friends couldn’t resist themselves from teasing me . Aaisha asked pointing towards the cyclist “Kahin wo to tera Sahil nahi hai na ?”(I hope that’s not your Sahil)

I was completely turning red with anger.I was fed up and completely exhausted waiting.To add up on my frustration a fat guy wearing a green tshirt came out of a red car.I seriously didn’t want him to be Sahil. I didn’t like his dressing nor the way he walked.He came near me annnnnddddddd thank goodness he went to the stall behind me.I was feeling like jumping there because he was not Sahil.

Now it had been around 40 mins of waiting but Mr.Green Shirt didn’t turn up.I had decided to leave but Aaisha told me to wait for another 20 mins.And I had no option but to agree.I was excited to meet him and really didn’t want to go without meeting him.

After some minutes Seema notices a guy in black T-shirt constantly keeping an eye on us.Having a pepsi,talking to somebody over his mobile and smiling at us was the only thing he did for the past 10 mins. Aaisha who was intelligent of all continued to keep an eye on him.She finally came to the suggestion “HE IS SAHIL”.I turned and saw him and trust me I didn’t like him.Whatever it was I waited for somebody to come and confront us.But all in vain.

We finally ended up having Pepsi ourselves as we didn’t have any other work to do.We started our chit-chat as usual and we completely forgot about Sahil.After sometime we saw two more guys with this Mr.Black Tshirt.I somehow felt either of these three has to be Sahil.We named the other two guys as Mr.X and Mr. Y.
(That’s what we had been taught in Algebra-if u don’t know the numbers ,take them as X and Y).
One and a half hour went by..Nobody came and spoke to us.And now I really wanted to go home.I had lost my patience.

We started heading home and then we noticed 2 guys -Mr.Black tshirt and Mr.X started off their bike and went ahead of us.There was one more guy who was with them standing at the corner.Aaisha wanted to speak to that guy and confirm if anybody was Sahil out of the three and she dragged me along with her.

Aaisha asked Mr.Y “Anybody Sahil in your group?”
He calmy replied, “No”.

We were disappointed and felt that Sahil didn’t turn up.We were on the way and then I noticed Mr.Black-Shirt and Mr. X  waiting for someone.I just wanted to confirm once and asked Seema and Aaisha that can I confirm for one last time.Finally I managed to go and ask them.

Aap mein se koi Sahil hai?”(Is any of you two named Sahil?)
Mr. X points towards Mr.Black tshirt and says “Yeh hai na”(He is the one).

I was shocked,surprised,happy,relieved,about to cry …everything at one time.

Finally we met..Had a chat for 5 mins.I want to yell at him but I couldn’t.

The only thing I said was “Mujhse dosti karoge”( I am definitely a bit filmy)

We did a official handshake.When his hand touched mine I knew this was something special.
And my heart asked me “Is he the one.Is it my DESTINY’S CALL I had received”.I didn’t know the answer….But yes…I was happy..I met him..I met my Sahil.

(After few days Surbhi did get the answer…That was her Destiny’s call..Surbhi and Sahil have been together for a decade now).     


  1. :) प्यारी सी कहानी है...और अगर ये सच है तो और भी प्यारी!! :)

  2. haan sach hai..bas naam badal diye hai


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