Post 7: My weird ways of tackling people.

Hello Everyone,

Hope you all survived your Monday.I did and this blogpost is the evidence of my survival.

So today I plan to share my weird ways of tackling people .Sometimes I find it lame and I have doubts over it but then when I sit calmly i still feel this is how I want to carry it on.I don't know how good it holds for you or will you believe it or not.

I believe in a baggage-less life.I don't care about people talking about me.Even if I hear about people talking ill about me my reaction time is going to be for a maximum of 5 seconds.That's the only kind of attention they get and they deserve.So when people talk behind my back all i feel is they are wasting quite a lot of energy to get my 5 seconds attention and I would suggest them to do something to do for their own self.Once I give them their 5 seconds of glory I just bless them for sanity and leave.

Killing people with love is my favourite hobby.Have you ever tried this?If not,start doing it now.Let people be nasty to you  that's the baggage they are carrying and you don't have to worry about it or give your attention.When people are nasty kill them with their love.If you treat them in  a nasty way then you are taking the baggage to your side.So next time anyone is nasty then be nice to them and trust me they will stop being nasty or when they are nasty to you their conscious(which I believe everyone has) will stop them.So basically you are making the world a little better or atleast one nasty person decreased.

Believe in the "Karma".What you give is what you receive.This is the law of nature and it doesn't fail.Give good and you receive good things and same holds well with bad thing.Its a boomerang.So when a person does something bad to you then instead of you doing things which gets bad things to you let Karma screw them up.Karma screws a person with the same intensity as that person tries to screw someone and the best thing about this law of nature is you will actually see the person getting screwed most of the time.

So from today stop worrying about things that don't matter.Stay happy !!


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