Post 2: Take a deep breath !!!

I am so thankful that I have made to Post no. 2 in the blog marathon being the lazy person I am.

Now this is one more instant post of mine where I was just reading something half an hour ago on one of the social media site and then I came up with this.This is going to be a bit philosophical.I have already given you the warning so reading the post below is completely at your risk.

So we being humans and probably brought up in such a way that we always have "comparision" virus which refuses to leave our hard disk no matter which antivirus we use.We always have something to compare around-maybe someone is better with their career,with their marriage life or probably have a cuter kid or if nothing atleast have better phone to get a picture.We have always been said that we need to stop comparing ourselves to others and the only competition we need to have is to be a better person than the one we were yesterday.But this was told to us after horrendously torturing us during our school and college days to see how good our friends are doing in the exams.So after miserably watching our friends doing good at exams and made to be looked as examples our brain gets automatically into the zone even now.

So how to get out of this misery and actually start living?

1)Spend less time on social media:As one of the comedian Mr. Amit Tandon says-"Social Media has put a great pressure to live life lavishly".So what if someone is holidaying in Miami if you are content with spending time with your family at home then you should do what you actually want rather looking at others check in and wondering why i can't just be there.

2)Set goals of what you actually want to do: Forget the rest of the world and concentrate on yourself.You really don't have to worry about what the world is doing.Start doing thing that you love the most and your world will fall into place.

3)Love yourself: You are the only person in this whole freaking world who is going to stand for yourself  in the good and bad times.So love yourself more than anything.Once you start loving yourself you will automatically stop comparing yourself with others because you are busy loving yourself.

4)Eliminate outside talks: There is only one person whose opinion should matter in your life and that's yourself.Rest of them don't have the power to put you down till you give them the permission to.So next time someone says someone is better than you then all you need to remember is the outside world is none of your business.All you need to do is focus on yourself.

5)Work: Work on being the person you want to be and be a better person than yesterday.If you want to build a great body then start working on it.Show the world that its time they compare them with you.Be the example you always adored.

Each one is born with a purpose and each one is unique or else we would have born with the same features.If we are made different then the Universe had some plans.Make sure you are making the 60 odd years worth living.If you still feel you are not meant to win then just remember you were the sperm that won and that's why you are here.

Bye till we meet next time(Tomorrow)


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