Post 3: Life hacks for happiness.

Its Day 3 of my blog marathon and I am quite happy about actually making it to my blogging world.If you feel I am making a big deal about coming and writing every single day well,it is a big deal for me.I haven't been writing since almost a year and then making myself disciplined is ofcourse a mammoth task.Self-praise aside,hope you had a wonderful day.

Recently,I have been obsessed with the concept of happiness.Reason being very simple I find people being unhappy for the silliest reason possible.People have a tendency to find happiness outside while its a inside job and I wish every person on this planet understand this simple concept.Its not the money,power or anything that can make a person happy unless he decides to be happy.

If money ,power or material things should make a man happy then every rich and powerful man needs to be happy.But what is generally observed is a rich man is always worried about his profits,his next business strategy,his competitor etc whereas a poor man who is deprived of his basic amenities is more happy when he just finds a meal for one time.

Have you ever seen the Buddhist monks?The smile,happiness and the calmness on their face is at a different level altogether.They live their life as monks sacrificing all the worldly pleasure but i have never seen such contended souls on earth.

Be grateful for even the little things you have and that will put you to a default happy mode.There are people who are praying for the things you are taking for granted.If you are still finding difficulty in finding the things you need to be grateful for then here i have a list of it you need to be grateful for:

  • Air:This is our survival kit on this planet.Imagine if you had to pay for the air you are breathing.
  • You had your breakfast,lunch,evening tea and snacks.Well,great!!There are millions of people who don't even get a single meal in a day.If you are not of them then yes, you are the lucky one.
  • You have all the organs and your senses working properly.There are lot of people praying for them to be that way when everything in their body works perfectly.
  • You have a home and family.Think about the people who stay in orphanges or probably on the roads.We are in a much better condition.
These are some points which are very basic but yes, while we go in search of our dream we forget what we have already been provided with.Next time when you are feeling down just remind yourself about all the blessings you are showered with and you will come back to the happy mode.We all have a tendency to forget our blessings and concentrate on our problem the day we reverse this equation we will lead a happy life.

Try reversing the equation from this moment and let happiness fill your life.

See you tomorrow !!


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