Day 4: The Calculative Love !!

After a long time writing on relationship.Don't know how good it holds for everybody but this is something which I have noticed with people around me.This is not something which holds good only for couple but to any other relationship.

We as a generation are calculative.From the number of hours we work on a project to the number of steps we take in a day we calculate everything.And this calculative nature of ours has entered our relationship and trust me its doing no good to anyone of us.Everyone wants a person who loves them unconditionally,with whom they can speak their heart out but nobody want to be that person. Weird!!But that's us.

Sometimes we need to understand calculated risk only leads to calculated outputs.If you want to create something big then bigger steps need to be taken.But the fact is we expect things to miraculously change with those calculative love and risk.

The biggest fear we hold is what if/she cheats on me?Will I be able to handle a heartbreak?

Get out of that FEAR. As the mountain dew ad goes 'Darr ke aage jeet hai",go leave your fears behind.

For a day just think about loving the people in your life unconditionally.It maybe anyone.Forget about the other person responding.All you need to do is to give your love without expecting.See that shift in your energy.Relationships are not about give and take.The more you give you will always receive but give it with all love.

Even if you are in a relationship that suck big time try this.It works like magic.

For people who  fear being hurt this is to you:

As the saying goes when you love someone unconditionally either you get a person for life or a lesson.You are at winning side either way but you will learn the joy of unconditional love.Moreover when you start loving unconditionally the chances are high that you get the person for life.Love is the most powerful force.

Stop being calulative.Don't think what the other person will do if I love him/her so much?

Lets go create some magic and  fill the world with love.

Your work is to love.Rest will be taken care of and I mean it.



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