My last blog referred to how its completely normal to give unconditional love keeping your monkey brain aside.Today I am adding the most important ingredient to make your life a little more easier.


What's about forgiveness?

Simple.You have to master the art of forgiveness to make your life spectacular.

People believe in Tit-for-Tat.Why? I have no answer to that because I completely don't believe in that theory.

Tit-for-tat is pressuring your brain to much keeping the clutter inside.You and I don't need it.What other person do to you tell about her/him.You don't have to get to that level and do the same thing to prove a fact.Its such a tiring task.Rather no matter what, you forgive and most important forget it.Why complicate life thinking about something that will not matter after 4-5 years.

Forgiving a person gets you out of the baggage and relaxes you.You are more important to yourself than any other thing.Get out of the baggage.Two simple steps to forgive:

1)Accept the fact: Someone may have betrayed you,broken your trust etc accept it.Don't escape from what has been done.Want to cry,go do it.Want to talk to someone,go ahead but make sure someone trustworthy enough.If not anything write about it on a piece of paper.Once you have done either of the three you will feel relaxed.

2)Get into the action of forgiving: Once you have poured your heart out you will feel relaxed and now just say to yourself, 'I offer forgiveness to ....'.It may take sometime to forgive a person but do it as soon as possible.Holding on to it does no good.The moment you forgive someone you will feel the baggage dropping.

One simple reason why people don't forgive others easily is,they feel that people will take them for granted or walk over them.No it doesn't happen that way.Being a forgiving person is not letting people walk over you.Forgiving is making the other person realise I am much more better person than you.Its telling the other person-'You may do  wrong things to me but i prefer to forgive you and you will never matter to me like you did'.

Trusting the person again is a matter of choice but yes,make sure you forgive.


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