Day 6: Most awaited day

I always make sure that I am looking forward for something.May be its as little as coming home and having my favourite food or something like catching up with a good friend.I always have my weekdays and weekend planned.

1st December is my most waited day as I am participating in a Manifesting workshop.If you have read my previous blog you may know that I am a law of attraction follower.I completely believe in that and it has worked wonders for me in many ways.

So one of my favourite person Alex Tripod,who owns her business 'Bliss to Bizz' is conducting this very amazing workshop and I have been waiting for this all these day.She is a bunch of energy and her energy is really contagious.I am all set to dive into this awesome energy tomorrow.

The workshop is for 21 days and I am very sure everyone who is a part of this workshop are going to manifest bigger things.

If you are unaware of Law of attraction i would suggest you to read 'The Secret'.I am very sure its going to change your life miraculously.That's where I got to know how powerful are our thoughts and how we need to guide it.

I have also started my new venture 'Happy Manifestation' which is all about spreading the knowledge of LOA and making people live their life of their dream.You can follow 'Happy Manifestation' on Facebook and Instagram.

Time to manifest amazing things.


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