POST 13:HOUSEWIFE-A full-time job

There are some people who think a housewife has no work to do than watch daily soaps,go for kitty party and gossip-around.But i feel its time for you all to get a reality check.I have some wonderful home-makers around me who make me respect everything about them.

I have been brought-up in a family of working women.So in my childhood days i didnt think the housewives have much to do.At some point of time we all think that way.We think the working women go out and conquer the world and still manage responsibilty.Yes,it is that way.But housewives also have their own shares of duties and responsibilities.

Dear Housewives/Home-makers,

First of all a big hug to all of you.You make others life-easy.

No matter what the world says,you know being a housewife is a full-time job.Your job profile seems simple to the people who are outside.People may say,'What you do is so simple that i can do in a blink of an eye.You just have to watch daily-soaps and discuss about that'.Next time someone speaks that shit make sure you are making that person live your life and if he doesn't live up to what he said throw a brick at him.

Most of you have an early day.Probably at 5.30am or 6am.The day starts from cooking,getting the clothes ready for your children and husband.Even the slightest change in the taste of your food can land you into trouble.Sometimes you make have to cook again.Waking up your children,husband and getting them ready is a huge task altogether.Sometimes they don't get their shoes,socks,books,files and what not.And yes,the first person they will be calling for help is "YOU".They will find fault in you for not keeping their things in place when you have still kept everything in order.

Once they have gone to their respective duties,then comes the cleaning up of the house,planning what to prepare when they come back.Maids are difficult to handle.You just have to run behind them to get things done.But yes,people who haven't dealt with a maid will never understand.So if something is out of place someday they will blame you.

Incase you get time from all of it,you may have a little time for your entertainment.But then,if you watch TV you are the one who does nothing but watch TV.

When your children get back from home,you serve them with delicious meal.They will never understand the value of that delicious meal unless you put them to hostel.Then you listen to them about everything that happend at school.You help them with their homework.Sometimes you may even give a pick and drop facility yourself to their tuition classes.

And when your husband returns,you still have to be all-smiles.You don't have an excuse even if you had a bad day .Its tea-time by then and you need to be ready with some yummilicious snacks for the day.If you just serve them something normal,then the big question rises-'What do you do whole day.Can't you just try out a new recipe?'.

Again,its time to enter the kitchen and prepare dinner.Once the dinner is finished you may have to wash dishes and plan the next day.

You just don't complain about it and do it with all-smiles.You don't have a leave like  we do.You don't get paid for it.You need to adjust your timing as per others.You can't give an excuse of being sick.



A working professional who still feels Housewives are awesome.


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