18th August, 5.30pm,

Ria calls up Rishi for the tenth time.But the call goes unanswered.She is angry and annoyed.Its their first anniversary of being in a relationship.

Rishi was her Mr. Perfect until he joined his dad's business.Now she felt that all that mattered to Rishi was his clients.Ria had opened her own boutique but she gives as much attention to Rishi as she did in her college days.And she expected the same from Rishi.

'Hina,I have called this guy for the tenth time now and he is least bothered to answer my calls.I am not calling him again',says Ria putting her phone away on the table.

Hina is Ria's best friend and has come to help Ria in the surprise they were planning for Rishi.

'Are you sure Ria?You said the same thing when he didn't receive your call for the second time too',says Hina mockingly while playing a game of candy crush saga on her phone.

'Whatever.I know this guy will ruin up the surprise i planned for him.I am not getting any gift for him'.

'I guess you already got one.Isn't it?'

She picks up her phone and calls him again.But still its unanswered.She messages him on whatsapp but there is no reply from his side.

'Hina I guess we will postpone this surprise thing.Rishi seems to be busy with his clients',says Ria sadly.

'Ok.Cool.I will inform others too.You just chill babe.We will party tomorrow.Bye.I will catch you tomorrow then', says Hina waving a goodbye and she walks out of the boutique.

Ria feels sad but she believes that Rishi would have made it if it wasn't for his work.


Rishi had a hectic day with his clents.When he comes out of his cabin after the meeting he sees the missed call from Hina and also her messages.He is too tired to call her back and decides to call her up tomorrow.He puts his phone back in his pocket and drives back home.


19th August,9.00am

Ria calls up Rishi again but he still doesn't answer it.

19th August,9.30am

Rishi calls up Ria but Ria doesn't receive the call.Rishi feels disturbed as Ria has never let Rishi's call go unanswered.He thinks she might be driving and calls her up again after 15 mins.But still she doesn't answer.


19th August,9.30am

Ria's phone is ringing.She is lying on the pool of blood.Some truck just hit her scooty and she is severely injured.Her hand bag is at some distance and she hears her phone ringing from inside the handbag.She knows its Rishi calling.Its the ringtone she had saved for Rishi's number.She feels helpless as she is not able to receive the call.She is surrounded by people.She wants to yell, 'Pick up the phone you idiots.Its my guy calling me'.But she is not able to utter a word.The ambulance arrives and she is taken inside it.


19th August,11.30am

Rishi has called her up every 15 mins.But now the phone is switched off.He thinks Ria is angry as he didnt meet her yesterday.To make it up for that he plans to surprise Ria by meeting her at her boutique.He rushes out of his office and gets a bunch of red roses as he knows, that's her second weakness first being him.

When he reaches the boutique he finds it locked.He asks the nearby shop owners in the same complex and comes to know that boutique hasn't been opened since morning.

19th August,12pm

Hina calls up Rishi.

'Rishi come asap to the City Hospital'.

Before Rishi could ask anything,she hangs up.Rishi rushes to the hospital.

19th August,12.30pm

Rishi reaches the hospital.He is battling his thought.He is hoping against ahope that everything is fine.

'Hi Hina,What happend?Why did you call me her?'

'Ria has met with an accident.She has lost too much blood.She might have suffered head injury too.Doctors informed us just now.'

The world comes to still for Rishi and he just wants somebody to tell him that its just a nightmare.He sees Ria's parents sitting in the corner.He tries to console them but he knows deep down how painful the whole situation is.He is waiting for a miracle to happen.

One of the doctors come outside to break the news nobody is ready to hear.

'She is no more.We are sorry.We did our best we could for her'.

Rishi just sits on the bench with tears rolling down his cheeks now.He checks the call log of his phone which shows the Ria's call list.

'14 missed call.I wish i could have received atleast one call..I wish i could have spoken to her for one last time',he says silently.


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