POST 10:How to stay happy!!

If you ask anyone what is happiness.There will be certain answers which will be very common:

  • I will be happy when i buy my car.

  • I will be happy when i own my dream home.

  • I will be happy when i marry my boyfriend/girlfriend.

  • I will be happy if i have so much money  etc........

The reason behind them not being happy is simple.They are always waiting to be happy.And the Law of attraction says ,'Your wish is always my command'.That is the reason why your happiness will always seem a distant future.

Time to turn it around.


The best way and the only way to be happy is BE HAPPY now.Rest all things will fall into place.

1)Be grateful for what you have now.That's when you will attract more of it.

2)Getting bored or stressed out?Take a vacation.Life is too short to crib about things.

3)Worry less.The thing you are worrying about the most will not matter to you after 2 years.Probably you will not even remeber  what the all thing was.

4)Do what you love.Doing a normal job doesn't mean you will sacrifice all your dreams and hobbies.Take time for it.

5)Be with people who keeps you in a positive state of mind.

That's all for now.Will be back with a new post tomorrow.Till then STAY HAPPY.


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