Just when i was thinking what to blog today,I heard my roommate reading a whatsapp message which had this word.And suddenly i get this idea of writing a blog on it.

I normally don't think about this "REGRET FACTOR " much.That's probably because i live my life on my rules.In one  of my job interviews i had this question where i had to tell one thing in my life which i regret the most.And my answer was -Nothing.The person interviewing argued that there has to be something,i did think for a moment but still i didn't remember.

Till date, i have done nothing that i have regretted.Do that mean my decisions never failed??No.It did sometimes.But it taught me a lot of things which made me stronger.And the bad things that happend actually made me grateful for the good things i have now.

The best way to avoid REGRET FACTOR according to me:

1)Take decision:Its always good to take your own decision.There's nobody who knows you better than yourself.Parents,Spouse,Boyfriend/girlfriend will probably just know you 85%max provided they are most understanding people existing on this planet.

2)Take responsiblity of your action:Sometimes you may take a good decision,sometimes you may take a bad one.  After all its Being Human.Its completely okay to fail but its more important to keep trying even though you fail.Good or bad,it was your decision so have the courage to deal with it.

3)Result:Don't always ponder about the result.If its good then feel happy ,if its not then learn what you have learnt from it.Learn from your mistakes and move on.

Instead of  " I wish i could have done that 5 or 10 years back i would have changed my life", do that something today.

Life is really too short to keep regretting things that you haven't done.So do something from today itself so that you will probably remember later on  and say " Thank God I did it,Or else i would have regretted".That sounds better,doesn't it??

Will be back with the next post tomorrow.


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