Hello Everyone,

  I am back to this space with an idea of Blog Marathon.I have reasons behind it.I don't do anything without a perfect plan(as my friends say it).

Now for people who don't know what is Blog Marathon,

Blog Marathon is where you post one single post everyday.The reason behind me doing this is quite simple.I have been very lazy since months together and i need to be little disciplined about my writing.I have noticed  that I don't do any work on time unless there is any pressure on doing that.I always studied on the night before for my exams,I do last moment packing if i have to travel and yes, I work and keep my reports ready because  I have to report every evening to my boss.So unless I have a deadline for anything i don't do any work on time.I need to accept this fact.So i have created a deadline for myself and that is blog marathon.

There is only 2 secrets to master anything.

This is just a way to keep me grounded to my writing skills and improve it.

As this is the first time i am doing blog marathon I am keeping it for 15 days.Trust me ,15 days is not an easy task where you have to find something to write everyday.

I got this idea from one of my favourite author Preeti Shenoy.Since the time i have started reading her books i have followed her blog too.Her blogs teaches me many things and keeps me positive too.Every year she keeps a blog marathon for 30 days.Its still on now and she has completed her 26th post today.So i am very inspired and here is my Blog Marathon.

Catch me on this space everyday.

Thank You  for the valuable time you take to read my blog.


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