POST 1:Are we drifting apart?

Hello Everyone,

As promised here I am back to blogging.I don't believe in the lines promises are meant to be broken.I am the one who stand by the saying promises are meant to be kept.

For me 2014 is a year of forgetting birthdays.

Till last year i was the one who would boast of not forgetting anyone's birthday.Well I am not that person anymore.I don't know when the tables turned but now i really have difficulty in remembering.

Thanks to the mobile phones which took the power of remembering  all the phone numbers.Today even though i have to call up a close relative i need to check the number in the contact list of my phone.

And now its the social networking sites that we are dependent on.I still do rememeber some birthdays.Thank God for that but rest of them seems to have vanished from my memory.
Sometimes I do wonder that are these things getting us closer or drifting us apart.Before the facebook and whatsapp craze started atleast we would call up people to wish on their birthday atleast .Now that option also don’t exist as we have got an easier choice ,whatsapp them.

The only thing that seems to be good in my life after i have installed whatsapp is the complete crash on my phone bills.I hardly call up anyone.I have become that lazy.Forget calling up ,when someone calls me up i tell them to whatsapp me.Gosshhh!!! I don’t know where i am leading to.

I know its not only me,there will be lot more people facing this.I guess its little better to get a little less dependent on the social networking sites and just give a call on your loved ones special day.It definetely means a lot.Not only on birthdays but on every special occasion.And if possible try to catch up as much as possible.Its always the memories that are gonna last.


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