Post 9: Apology.

Hope you had a great way.We are half-way through the week and that feels good.Isn't it.

Today was one such day where I was not able to come up what to write one my blog.As usual when I don't do anything productive or sometimes tensed I end up scrolling my Facebook page and guess what I did the right thing.Not all Facebook time is productive mine definitely turned to be super productive.I am writing my blog post now and trust me I couldn't have got something to write.


I was just watching one of the videos posted by "Goalcast" page(Do watch them ,they are amazing) and I received one of the most beautiful message.

People have a great problem apologizing. Ego has taken a upper hand and I sometimes wonder why.If its my fault I apologise and I don't know why it is such a difficult task to apologise for your fault.This is something I may or may not figure out.But today we will be talking about genuine apologies.Yes,there are some apologies just for the sake of it .These people are still a better breed because they atleast apologised when some don't even bother.

Simple ways to know whether its a genuine apology:

1)I am sorry.
2)Its my fault.
3)How can I set it right or make amends.
4)I will not repeat.

If people come up with the 3rd and 4th point then they are the ones who genuinely feel they are at fault.As I told you I am even fine with people who atleast come up with the first two(As apologising species are in the process of being extinct) but people who get into the 3rd and 4th point are someone I will believe.

Before we end up this post here is something I want to tell you-They apologise or  not learn to forgive.It calms our mind and we will be free of all the negative vibes.Forgiving others is not something you are doing for others but for yourself.Apologising is appreciated.Even if they don't come up with a good apology as I mentioned above be a bigger person and forgive. 


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