Post 10:Last post of Blog Marathon.

Its Day 10 and I have blogged every single day and completed my blog marathon.Something I need to be proud of need to treat myself for this.

Since its the last day I am not going to fill you with loads of philosophical things which I usually do.But yes,habits die harder so here is one last thing before we bid adieu.

We always have a lot of expectation.I wish I would have that friend who is there for me all the time,that sister who is a source of support to me,that brother who cares for me,that relationship where I am cherished etc. But what we miss out is why can't we be that person for someone.What we give is what we receive.The more you appreciate things the more you receive,the more love you give the more you receive.So next time when you feel you want "that person" then be that person for someone.

If not for anyone else be that person for yourself.Anyone in the world can be a potential betrayer to you but the only person who will be loyal ,love you conditionally,be there even during the toughest times is "YOU".Self-love is not obsession and loving yourself is not a crime.So take time for yourself,pamper yourself,go with yourself on a coffee date or whatever you love.Make yourself the priority.

"You" are the most important one on this planet to you.

Love you !!

Until we meet next time.


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