Manifesting using LOA


I know its been more than a week that i have updated my blog but i needed it to be really good.I didn't want to write something just for the sake of it.

I have been overwhelmed with the response i got on my page and thanks to you all!!

LOA(Law of Attraction) has helped me to get whatever i want.Sometimes i just think about something and completely forget about it.After somedays when i get that thing which i wanted i am in a state of surprise.

Manifesting is that easy!!

There is nothing like a difficult tast or a big task for a Universe(This is the most important thing to remember).We all have predefined some tasks as easy and some as difficult.

If I tell anybody to manifest a coffee or a flower,they will tag it as EASY on the other hand if i say someone to manifest a diamond ring or a job they will term it as difficult.Its always us who have tagged it as easy or difficult.

People who have watched THE SECRET know that ,to manifest follow these 3 simple steps:

1)ASK: To Ask is to give a command to the Universe about what you want.To make it more effective write it down in your journal,diary etc.The most important thing to remember about the law of attraction is always use the present tense while asking or writing anything.

"I want a car"
" I am having a car"

The first sentence tells us that you want a car.You are sending a frequency to the Universe that you want it.And Universe will give you situations where you will always want it not have it.

The second sentence tells us that you already have it.The Universe will conspire in a way that you will have it.

You should always give signal to the Universe of having the thing you want.

2)BELIEVE:Believe is the most challenging task of the manifestation process.You should believe in the unseen.

You should train your brain in such a manner that you should believe that you have that thing you asked for.Behave every moment as if you have it.Don't think about how you are going to make that happen.That's the job of the Universe.Talk to people and behave as if you own that thing.Be grateful for the things you have around with you.If you are not grateful for things around with you and you are complaining about something you are giving a negative energy and that will push your dreams farther.

3) RECEIVE:Now that you have asked for and believed that you have are going to have it,give signal to the Universe that you are receiving it NOW.If you want to buy a car,forget about your bank accounts and go test drive a car,make space for parking a new car etc.The way to buy a new car will be made by the Universe,you don't have to worry about it.

When you are asking something,make sure you are giving clear signal to the Universe.If you want a car make sure you are writing which car do you want,which colour,specification etc.It becomes easy for the Universe to deliver it to you.

Between the process of Believe and Receive there is something called INSPIRED ACTION.

You just can't day dream about it and it will appear.If you want a car then go out and check out what car do you want,test drive it.If you want a job apply for it and whenever you apply be grateful thinking that you are getting that job.

The Universe will send signals about what ACTION needs to be taken,you just have to follow it.That's why it is called INSPIRED ACTION.

When you are going through this manifestation process be really grateful for everything around you.No matter how minute or how big it is.If its there,then be grateful.Gratitude is the key to LOA.

Will be back with a post on how I manifested my new job.


(I am always there to help you with your manifesting.Just inbox me on my FB PAGE:Learning the Secret with Shreya)


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