Law of Attraction made simple!!!

Its been a long weekend and one of the best weekend i would say.Holi has been always my favourite festival,as it makes life look more colourful.There is a charm in these festivals which makes us feel good about everything under the sun.

How nice it would be to go every single day with the same charm.We don't do that because we know there is something called "WORK" and we get some satisfaction about cribbing about work.Yes,that's how it is and we take the pleasure in doing so.And that is the reason we get more situations accordingly.

Am i talking about the Law of Attraction(The Secret) ???

Yes I am.

I got to know about this law of attraction around 3 years back.I do believe in every teaching of it.It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not,it is how the whole Universe works.

It doesn't matter whether you believe in law of gravitation or not.It is there and will be there.If you challenge it and fall from a building expecting you will fly,it won't happen(unless you are using a parchute).Similarly LOA is there and will be there.

I have seen and met people who don't know about it.So its just a small attempt to tell people about it in my blog.Its been one of the most amazing things i have ever got to know and its been life changing.If i could turn around life of one single person in the world i would be happy.

LOA(Law of Attraction) is simple-Whatever you give is what you get.Give good thoughts you will be having more pleasant situations,give bad thoughts you will have to face more bad situations.

As human,we have tendency to think negative.On the result day of an exam we think what if we don't fare well,What if we don't clear a interview,what if my business don't fare well,what if my guy/girl leave me etc.

So lets stop this and look at the positive side.

I will be updating this blog atleast once a week and i will giving ideas about how i actually apply it.Its just an attemp and i would be glad if people would give me feedback.

Lets take up a task for this week:

For one week no matter what happens,how bad our performance has been throughout lets just get up with a smile and go for work.Lets be grateful for the job we have and give our best. Whenever there is something bad or your boss shouts at you,take a deep breath,erase it and continue your work with a smile.Incase even that don't work then listen to your favourite music,or think about the 5 things you are really grateful about in life(this technique is most helpful in uplifting your mood).

Lets do it for a week till the time I come up with the next spectacular post.

Have fun and enjoy every bit of your life.


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