Staying Positive

Sunday is the most awaited day.I personally feel Sundays need to be of atleast 72hrs.There is so much of things I plan to do every Sunday that even 72hours will seem short to me but realistically I have to get done with everything within 24 hours.From last three Sundays i have been too lazy.I have not gone out shopping or for a movie(I was surprised when i thought about it today),not met any friends or relatives.I am not regretting any of it because i did love all those lazy sundays.Its good to be lazy sometimes.

There was a bug which bit me last month -The Reading Bug(The bug which made me lazy).I do read a lot but this month I have been doing it most of the time.Nowadays i do carry a book everywhere.Even if i get few minutes I do start reading.I had a new flatmate shifting to my place last week.The first reaction when she entered my room was "Who the hell reads so much".After seeing me reading so much she is planning to read as well.So the Reading Bug is going to have its next prey.

Books are the best friends you can ever have.I dont have a particular choice.If I like the cover,the snapshot of the story,I will go ahead and buy it.I read love stories,thrillers,mystery,current affairs,inspiritation,fanatsy and everything which catches my eye.I can even read comics when i dont get anything.

Books help me to stay positive in a way.There are lot of people i have in my life who crib about anything and everything in their life.From their job to their life partners,they see a problem in everything.I do keep a lot of patience while talking to them but when i see there is no hope i decide to walk away.This may sound rude but I have to do this before i turn up to something like that.

Recently I have been told many times I am Super-Positive personality and Optimistic.Yes,I am and I chose to be one.So here are some things I do to stay positive.

1)Yoga:I have been lazy too many times to get up at 6 am in the morning and do yoga but once you start doing it its the energy which will keep you going through the whole day.You can start with a simple meditation for 15 mins for the first initial few days and then start with simple asanas.

2)Keep away from negative talks:This is the toughest of all.Every second person you meet will have something nasty to say.I just dont concentrate on what they say.I have some other things going on in my mind like the next movie i want to watch or the next book i want to read or where do i want to go shopping.That doesnt mean i dont listen to people.I do patiently listen to my friends but sorry i dont have time for nonsense talks.

3)Entertainment:From reality shows to news to saas-bahu sagas to The Big Bang Theory  I watch it all.I just love watching TV.When i feel low The Big Bang Theory is my favorite.Watch more of things which makes you laugh.It will help your mood get lighter.

4)Work in Office and Relax at home:I do hate working at home.If its unavoidable thats the only time I do.When I am at home i dont think of work even for a second.But when its work time,give 100 % to it.

5)Read Books:Ofcourse this is what i do most of the times..Inspirational books will help you keep you stay positive.When i hit the rock bottom i have "The Secret" to help me out.My favorite book till date.I do follow it blindly.

6)Do what you like:Paint,Dance,Swim,Run,Party,take a vacation...Do whatever you want to relax your mind.A healthy mind is what you always require.

This is somethings I do to keep myself positive.Start practising them.It will be of a lot of help.

For people who say there are lot of problems in my life: Problems exist in everybodys life.The attention you give it makes it small or big..

Have a fun-filled Sunday

Stay Positive :)


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