16th Dec 2012,

I was getting bored watching the daily soaps and was constantly changing channels.I caught the  a news on AAJ TAK about a  gangrape case.After all the daily soaps drama i was not in a mood to watch it and just changed the channel.

During my vacation time my mornings are the laziest.A coffee mug in my hand, i start reading the newspaper and I am taken back as i read the same news i saw last night on TV on the front page.I didnt know that the news which thought to be just another rape case is something that  will shake the nation.The very next moment i turn on the  TV and this news is all over every news channel.The news i saw was so shocking that for some moments i was just hoping its just a dream.How can human beings turn up this brutal???But it was the harsh reality.

It was all over the social-networking sites.People where angry on the Government.Yess me too..How can such heinous crime happen in the capital city and that too in a moving bus??But it happenend. But now the people had pledged to change this.There were candle-light marches and protests all  ove the country to hang the rapists.The nation wanted the laws to be reformed.The protests all over the country did have a pressure on the Govt where the people where assured justice.

The whole country was with Nirbhaya,praying for her.But on 29th Dec 2012,the country lost its braveheart girl.She united us and taught us to fight for our rights.She proved us that the power resides in the hands of common man and not with the people who rule us.And the battlle for her rights continued........

Today, 13th Sept 2013, about 9 months after the incident, four of  the rapists are sentenced to death.One of them,who is below 18-yrs(the so called juvenile) is sentenced for 3 years.Justice has prevailed today but still the person who was most brutual  is still not sentenced to death(yess-the juvenile).But this is just the beginning.....

I just hope every rapists gets a death sentence.Let the laws be changed.

We are proud of you Nirbhaya.You waked up a sleeping nation.

Pat on the back to all the people who joined this battle to justice and specially to the people of Delhi.You lead it from the front.Chilly mornings,lathi charge,water canons-you beared it all.


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