Why are we letting our dreams die???

Hello Friends,

Yes,My blog starts with saying hello friends this time and not hello everyone.The reason being, I need to have a heart-to-heart talk and that I do it only with my friends.I am not a person who gives tips for a perfect life to every single person on the planet and nor do I take any tips (Please take the latter part of the sentence very seriously-Thats how I am).

So Friends,Have you ever dreamt of anything?Like getting a particular car,dream house,or marrying a particular girl/guy,getting the dream job,going on a dream vacation,pursuing your dream career....or anything you ever wanted..

Yes,we all dream about something which make our life perfect or as we feel which will make our life perfect.But how many of us really work towards that dream of theirs??Very few...

I have people asking me:

  • How come you are happy always?
  • How come you always do what you want?
  • How come your parents agree to whatever you say?

The answer is simple-I always believed in my dreams and did what i felt was right.I dont have any regrets.If something went wrong,it was my decision.I sorted things on my own and that makes me proud of myself.I didnt go with whatever the world told me to do.

I know when you read this you will feel like- OK she can do but I cant.Kill that thought RIGHT NOW. If I can do anybody can.

If anybody has read my first blog you will know how crazy was i about getting back to my dream city(Surat).Do you think it was easy???If it would have been that easy i would not be glad of being here again.It took me 8 long years to get back to Surat but if i would have given up probably i would be sitting in your place and reading somebody write this kind of thing and trust me i would feel like a shit.

Your dreams may take time but that doesnt mean you have to give up.Giving up is the easiest thing on earth.Its your dream,nobody else is going to nurture that or nor will anybody want you to achieve(Trust me,there are hundreds of people out there who dont want you to be happy-FACE IT!!!!).

 And then there are people who gives excuses for not achieving what they want(People who make my life miserable). For me you are COWARDS.You just can give excuses for the rest of your life.You are the pathetic species possible on this planet.Either get some sense right now or else God bless You!!!!

I will be happy if atleast one person get going with what he/she wants after reading this.

Bye for now,
Lets Go...Follow our Dreams...


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