On a Mid-May morning,as usual it was a routine day at office.It was a weekly goal-setting day where i was in a meeting with my MD.Suddenly my phone rings and its one of my friend Anshul calling me up.I was just wondering why has he called me up this morning(which he normally does not unless it is important).But as i was in a meeting i just disconnected it and send a text of-"call you back later".Suddenly within a moment i get the text back.I was just expecting a "Ok" but the text i saw made me numb for a few seconds.

The text said "Manish Sir no more"

It was worst than a worst nightmare.I just tell my MD i need to make a call and just get out of the cabin.When i come out of the cabin i just keep on wishing that Anshul has made a  mistake in texting.I quickly call up Anshul and the first lines i speak without a hello is "Ye tu kya bakwas kar raha hai?".Then he tells me that what he is telling is true and tells to check facebook. He gives me the details of how everything happend. I become completely numb after hearing it.I come back to the cabin and just inform my MD that i cant attend the meeting.I just go back to my workplace hoping its just a nightmare i am having.But the fact was it was the harsh reality we all had to face.

A day which none of his students wants to remember. A morning which many of them want to erase out of their life.Each one of us who know him would still want a miracle to happen-Someday he just comes again infront of us with his sparkling eyes which says a thousand words.

A teacher is always special. Even a man who is aged 60-70 or more never forgets his teacher.But if a teacher becomes a friend who not only teaches just what is there in books but teaches how to live,guess how special he would be??
That is the kind of person we lost on that unfortunate morning.

I still remember my first lecture in PIM. When I entered I heard everybody telling that its Manish Sir's Class(Organisation Behaviour).Everybody were telling that its a lecture where everybody is full of life.I was expecting a 40-50 yr man to enter(B-schools normally have professors of that age-group) but when i saw this person i was surprised.He may be in his 20s and so full of energy.Yes it was Manish Sir's Class.And the way his lecture started was amazing.I just realised that he was more better than what people told about him.

His lectures was much more than the text-book things we learn.He always taught us the lessons for life.He introduced us to The Secret.He always made us push our potentials.Most of all he made us what we  are today.

He motivated us to do something different and yes of course,he made me a blogger.I remember the first blog i wrote and just sent it to him. I was shocked and surprised when he just posted my blog on his FB timeline.I was on Cloud 9.I didnt expect my blog to be that good to be posted on his timeline.

So many incidents that makes him special.Probably everything cant be expressed as well.

I still go numb when i remeber that day.If people say time heals everythng, I beg to differ.Somethings can never be healed. The only way we can keep him alive is by following whatever he has taught us...

If his teachings are alive,he is alive as well...

We miss you Sir.......


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