Five things to remember while in a relationship

Love is undoubtedly the most beautiful thing in the world.It has the power to heal any wound.The magic of love is such that everything seems perfect.But there are somethings we need to remember so that this magic never vanishes of from our life.

1)Expectation:Its human nature to EXPECT.But this is a major cause of heartbreaks all the time.Its always okay to expect a little.But we completely go unaware  when our "little" becomes "too much".When you don't expect there is no possibility of getting hurt.Even the smallest gesture of your loved one will make you happy.

2)Comaparision: Stop idolising other couples.Every love story is special and every love story is different.Some people are good at expressing while some are not.Accept your partner as he/she is and be proud to have them in your lives.Start making your life better in a way that others start idolising you.

3)Give Space:You don't have to be clung to your partner 24*7.For the first few months it does feel romantic but soon it gets to a point where you want to break-free.Give your partner the space they require.Let them hangout with their friends and do what they like and the same applies to you.Having your own space is important.Stop staring at the "Last Seen" on their whatsapp profile and stalking their social networking profile.Your partner is not here on planet earth to report every single second of their life to you.

4)Honest:Honesty is the best policy.Be honest to your partner.Mistakes happen and everybody lie to save themselves at somepoint of time.Its a part of human nature.But when mistakes happen have enough guts to own it up.It makes your bond stronger.

5)Love unconditionally:The soul of any relationship is the love you have for your partner.Love them unconditionally.There is nothing as powerful as the power of unconditional love.


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