Attracting a new job-LOA makes it so simple.

Hello Everyone,

Blogging Again!!!!!

Now this is a blog which is really important.

These are the days when everybody is just searching out new jobs.Specially the freshers coming out of colleges.Now i have some really good friends who is going through this and this blog is specially for them.

For me job hunting has  really been easy.Now stop saying  that -"She is just lucky".Its not a matter of luck.I just know how to put LOA to use.

LOA works in every aspect of your life.You just need to have faith.

The one and only key to LOA is GRATITUDE.Be grateful for everything around you.The water you drink,air you breath,the food you eat etc.The day you will start being grateful for all the things around you that's when the magic will start happening,

Simple steps to be followed when you are attracting a job:

1)Write down in a sheet of paper or your journal about your dream job.Write everything you want in your job.From the type of workplace,salary,the kind of co-workers you want,the look of your work station,job location etc

2)Fix a date in your mind ,the day you want to join your new job.

2)You can't sit idle and wait for a job.Apply for jobs.You don't have to go door -to-door job hunting.There are portals.Just click "Apply".That's it.

3)When you apply for a job say it in your mind or aloud "Thank you for my new job".

4)Go with your routine.You don't have to sit and ponder about it whole day.TheUniverse knows its way.

5)Suppose you want to join your new job from 15th of June,then act accordingly.Just plan out things.Don't contradict things.Get set for your new job.

Eg:If you want to join from 15th of June,then don't schedule any of the things in daytime because you are going to be at work during that time,right?

6)Be grateful for the free time you are getting now.It won't be available when you start your job.So enjoy those days.You just need to be happy and grateful.

7) And yes,write 10 things you are grateful for everyday.No excuses.

That's how i attracted my last 2 jobs.If it can work for me then it will work for you.

There is always abundance.Keep faith.

Believe in the unseen.

Happy job hunting.And i would love to hear some magical stories about the way you got your new jobs.

I am waiting!!!


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