Chetan Bhagat -The author who inspired many.

Hello Everyone,

Are you excited about this friday??

With the bestselling novel turned to movie,2 States releasing this friday I see lot of discussion being happening about it.People are having so much expectations.The first question being will it be better than the novel.With the promos, it looks like its going to be good.Don't know about it being better than the book but atleast it will live upto the standards of the book. And moreover its under the Dharma Productions banner,it has to be good.

Chetan Bhagat is and always been my favourite author though his Revolution 2020 was a complete disappointment.One thing what Chetan Bhagat taught Indians is-TO READ.

His first book " 5 point someone-What not to do at IIT" turned out to be best-selling.And after that there was no looking back.3 idiots ,the bockbuster hit movie was inspired by it.Then came the series of his book each breaking the record of the previous one.And 2states remains to be everybody's favourite.

Not only he did chose a career for himself.He inspired others too.We were into the habit of reading only novels written by foreign authors.Then came the Chetan Bhagat wave.Some authors criticized him in a big way,regarding his simple way of writing,But then, he knew that's what Indian readers wants.

People who had never read a single novel in their life has atleast read a Chetan Bhagat book.Now get into any bookstores there is a separate section of books written by Indian Authors.Believe it or not,he has made people read and made people write.

The reason his book are a hit is just because of two simple reasons:
1)He writes very ordinary stories which connects with everybody
2)He writes in simple english.

Good  luck 2 states.

P.S. Don't ask me about this movie review.I will be biased.


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