Understanding the Women from Venus

Hello Everyone :)

I am back to the blogging world.

This is the first blog i am writing sitting n my Office.There is always a FIRST TIME as the saying goes...

Yesterday while cleaning off my cupboard just got hold of the book "MEN ARE FROM MARS AND WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS".Everybody should read this book atleast once.Actually you dont have to read the whole book,just 50 pages is enough to know what the author wants to say.After that its a merry-go-round-same things repeated.The worst part of the book  is the author says a girl or a guy behaves in  a particular manner and den dont provide the solution of how to deal with it.Grrrr...Its like a doctor saying you have this disease but i wont provide you the medicines..

So, I thought of provinding some tips of do's and dont's with the girls for a better relationship,in short peace of mind for guys.Actually i have seen lately guys blogging about what not to do, to make them run away.Its interesting but we have a set of rules and regulations too so please keep it in mind as well :)

1.The first and foremost,NEVER treat us as a option. There is nothing in the world which irritates us more than a guy treating us as a option.The reaction will be-You treat me as a option,forget about me treating you like a priority i wont even treat you as a option-YOU ARE OUT OF MY LIFE.

2.Even if we are having the worst mood swings a hug and flowers will make our day.We dont expect materialistic things but ya we atleast expect this..

3. Read it in the book "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus" that men get bored easily and is something gets monotonous they just start avoiding their girls for some point of time(THEY GO TO A CAVE-as the author says).
So if  you plan to go a CAVE we would love to lock you up there forever and throw the keys where nobody ever gets.So doing that is a SIN.

4.Be truthful.When we ask you something,we may already know the answer so speak out the truth.There is no harm in telling us the worst secrets. We are not Judgemental.

5.Be loyal. We dont mind our guy having gfs in the past but at present if you are mine then you are only mine.No compromise.

6.Yes,we are emotional.We may pretend to be not but YES WE ARE..Even the slightest thing can hurt us in a manner like no guy can understand..

7. When we receieve your calls whenever you call up doesn't mean we are free all the time.Its just that we are well-off with our time-management than you are.So RESPECT IT!!!!

So try following these tips as of now to make your life better.

Will be back with much more..I can write a 500 page book on this.


  1. वो किताब अभी तक पढ़ा नहीं मैंने...वैसे तुमने जो लिखा है, उससे मिलता जुलता मेरी एक दोस्त ने भी लिखा था..."Ten things a man should know" उसका नाम भी श्रेया ही है :) लिंक दे रहा हूँ - http://myworld-shreya.blogspot.in/2011/06/10-things-man-should-know.html


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