In school we are taught to respect all religion,cultures,languages etc.But how far do we carry this teachings along with us.Is it only till we get done with the exams and score good marks.Seeing the scenario today it definitely seems so.In this post i am not gooing to talk about the teaching scenario but i have a topic which has been there in my mind since long.

Generally a Indian state has one language which is spoken throughout the state maybe sometimes in different dialect.But here i am from a state which has different languages in different regions.Yes different LANGUAGES...I am not speaking of dialects.

20 years ago,When you join a english medium school its a different story altogether.The teachers want you to be perfect in your English speaking,and we have the parental pressure-"We have paid so much fees for your admission,so speak better English".If we don't speak then we get a reply-"To learn this much English you don't have to be in a English medium school, you can go for a vernacular medium".And the argument continues..So we start up speaking English and we are trying to give justice to what we have learnt.

Now when we are tackling  one problem,the pressure rises from the other side.The next question is-Why don't you speak the national language or the state  language as good as English????In case you have a different language as your mother tongue you will definitely see the question being popped up.

Now let me be clear,I am not the one who is interested in a blame game.Instead of fighting for the languages we just need to understand each language is important.Every language has its own history,so who are we to decide which is the best?? We need to learn all languages which are of our use.Just go with a flow.We have better things to debate on to make this country a better place.

Languages were made to express your feelings and not to debate which is the best among all.You will never be able to decide.Instead of doing such silly activity,do something fruitful.Speak the languages you know wherever necessary.Use English or Hindi in workplace or the vernacular language if you are in a state which is having it,Use mother-tongue at home.Try to resolve such simple issues rather than making it a hype.


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