Happiness is contagious.

People run behind money,relationships,career and other materialistic things.The only thing they are trying to find when they run behind these is "HAPPINESS".No matter how much you run behind these things the universal fact is-happiness is an inside job and it never depends on external factors.

If you are happy from inside ,even a call from friend or getting a parking place will cheer you up but if you are not happy then even winning a lottery won't cheer you.

The moment you are happy you will attract more people and situations which will keep you happy.There will be situations which will challenge you but if you are in a happy frequency you will learn to deal it with a smile.

You may have had some instances where you meet some people and you suddenly go to "good-mood-zone".I have a friend of mine ,Sipika whom i don't meet often but  when i  meet her i suddenly feel good.Its like someone has sprinkled some happiness sparkle.Her happiness is so contagious that it stays for a long time.

What if everyone person would be like Sipika and spread happiness?

If everyone gets infected by happiness bug earth would be such a great place to live.Lets be a bit more happy and spread a little more happiness to our beautiful planet.


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