If you are in 10th and 12th Std then you are definitely going to be as good as a celebrity to your family and relatives.The first thing what your parents will be asked when they go to any social gathering is how is their son/daughter doing for the board exam preparation.

I have already dealt with that and i know how it feels when you enter a social gathering and suddenly everybody turns around to see as if you are going to fight a war for the country.I always wanted to give a shout "For God Sake its just board exams".Then there are questions regarding the revisions,future plans etc.Thank God I got done with it.

More than your parents its your relatives who are interested in your scores.When i was in 12th, I remember getting calls before my first paper of board exam and half of them i didn't even knew who they were and i still don't.My parents wanted me to be polite and just to say a thank you as they were my so-called well-wishers.They are the first ones to call during the results too.

One of the terrible phase you go through is the board exam phase.

This year two of my cousins will be going through this rough phase.I still can't believe my two little kiddos are going to give board exams.So they have got a benchmark of MY marks which everybody points at.Nowadays I do take the task of giving tips on what to do and what not to but at the end of the days its their battle.But I think more than the students its the parents who need to know how to handle the pressure.Here's some points to remember if you don't want to make your child's life hell:

1)With two months in hand,let them figure out how can they use their potential to their best.Stop pressurizing,be supportive.

2)Most of the parents think getting up early in the morning and studying only will make you a better student and score you better marks.BULLSHIT!! If that was the case then i should have failed every exam.I still remember my Mom waking me up at 5am to study and i would doze off by 5.10am.After 3 days of yelling at me she finally gave up and let me study on my own terms.

3)Stop taking life out of your children.As the saying goes,All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.Let them go with their hobbies.Even an hour of break will make them feel at ease so they can again go with a fresh mind to fight their battle.

4)Only yelling out to Study,Study and Study won't do any good.Start understanding what your child is doing.Its not rocket science.If she is having difficulty in a subject try to understand why is it happening and try to solve it.

5)Stop comparing your children with others.Tell them to improve their performance this time than their previous one.If you start comparing then they will feel worthless.

5)Most of all every child is unique.Respect them for your uniqueness.Be understanding and support your children.They will be out with flying colours.And moreover Board exams is not end of the world.

In 2-3 years kind of time nobody will ever remember your board exam marks.Forget others,you yourself won't remember the marks.But there is no option than fighting this battle as that's how the education system is.

All the best to all  the students and most of all to all the parents of these students.


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