There are somethings which we do for the sake of doing because someone forced us to do it or we didn’t have an option and then there are things which we love to do-things we do with passion and zeal.The results we get out of things which we do with passion are always much better than what we do for the sake of doing as we always put our heart and soul to things we like to do.

Everybody who have read my first blog would be knowing that I had to return to my hometown from Surat after I completed my 10th std. I hated that moment when I got into the train but I had promised myself that I will get back to that city again.Then started my MISSION SURAT.

I easily got admission to one of the reputed pre-university college for my 11th and 12th Std. The only thing I constantly reminded myself was I had to get back to Surat. I knew I was bad at biology and opted for PCMS(Physics, Chemistry, Maths and Statistics).I had not left any stone unturned. I have never been that sincere in studies than that. My family members still give my example to others about how sincere I was during that time.I am  proud of that but the only thing I tell I had a “Desire”.Whenever I felt sleepy or lazy I just remembered one thing “SURAT”. I didn’t even need a coffee to wake me up from my sleep.I knew getting to a NIT was not that easy but I tried my best.I fared well in the board exams but my entrance exam performance was not upto the mark and I didn’t have a Gujarat quota seat which made it difficult.

It was the most heart-breaking results of all time.People thought now I would give up on my MISSION SURAT.But they forgot that I had never learnt giving up.I didn’t have an option but to join an engineering college in Bangalore. I now didn’t know how to get back to my city. It seemed like all roads had been closed but there was a inner voice telling me “Don’t Quit”.

2 years went by.My performance was average. I just studied for the sake of doing it.There was no enthusiasm and there I learnt I was not interested in this technical stuff.When people planned their software company jobs I was planning a way out of that.Here came my 3rd year and it was time for placements.And suddenly when talking to a friend I got the idea of MBA.It was like waking up after a long sleep. Convincing my parents was not tough as they always knew I wanted to be an MBA.But thanks to relatives and neighbours who made my life hell.Why MBA why not Mtech.Trust me I felt like throwing a brick at them and till date when they call me up and ask to give  suggestions to their children what course to take I feel the same thing.Why the hell don’t they ask their children what they are interested in?

My performance started getting better and better after I planned my MBA and shocking and surprising was my results of 8th Semester.I had scored better than some of the toppers.

I finally succeeded after a long battle to get into a B-school in Baroda.I had told in my last speech on the Convocation day –“It’s a  home away from home” and I truly believe that.I had like management stuff more than technical stuff and here I was doing that.I was in Baroda just 2 hours journey from Surat.

From Academics to co-curricular activities I excelled in all .It was a journey I loved the most.From the presentations,exams,college fests to fights in the hostel-everything was so perfect.Tell me to go for another 2 years to PIM I will happily go but yes only with 9/11 batch.And moreover I topped in my batch.The only thing why I excelled is because I completely loved what I did.I was happy.If I would have gone to Mtech I would have definitely be a underperformer because I would never do anything with passion.

Some things I learnt from this journey:

1)When you want something you always give your best shot.

2)When you do what you love you will always excel in that.

3)Don’t go for what people say is the best for you, you alone know that. Listen to all the inputs but do what you think is right for you.

4)Its completely ok if you fail sometimes but never back down.Get up again and fight for what you want.

5)There is nothing called luck. If you work hard good things will happen to you.

There will always be obstacles in your journey. But it’s the “Desire” which keeps you going.If you really desire something from your heart and soul you will definitely get. Do what you are interested in rather than going with the flow.


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