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Showing posts from September, 2013
Staying Positive
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Sunday is the most awaited day.I personally feel Sundays need to be of atleast 72hrs.There is so much of things I plan to do every Sunday that even 72hours will seem short to me but realistically I have to get done with everything within 24 hours.From last three Sundays i have been too lazy.I have not gone out shopping or for a movie(I was surprised when i thought about it today),not met any friends or relatives.I am not regretting any of it because i did love all those lazy sundays.Its good to be lazy sometimes. There was a bug which bit me last month - The Reading Bug (The bug which made me lazy) . I do read a lot but this month I have been doing it most of the time.Nowadays i do carry a book everywhere.Even if i get few minutes I do start reading.I had a new flatmate shifting to my place last week.The first reaction when she entered my room was "Who the hell reads so much".After seeing me reading so much she is planning to read as well.So the Reading Bug is going to...
Friends for life!!!
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I dont need a friendship day to tell how special a friend she is.For me everyday is a friendship day when she is around. Friends are the most imporatant part of your life and if you have a friend like her then you are the most blessed human being. Sometimes we do wonder how did we become this good friends and then we just ignore this topic as it dont lead anywhere.We both dont remember how we became besties.However it happend,it happend for good.Whenever i talk about her,I fall short of words.I forget my best-half when I am with her(You wont get a better compliment than this),I can just go on talking with her for hours together without getting bored. Today we are living in two different cities but the bond we share has become more stronger.I can talk about anything and everything with her-My shopping,My work,My love life,My passion(the latest in the list),my cooking ...........and she will listen patiently.She listens to all the nonsense i speak,calms me down and then the ...
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16th Dec 2012, I was getting bored watching the daily soaps and was constantly changing channels.I caught the a news on AAJ TAK about a gangrape case.After all the daily soaps drama i was not in a mood to watch it and just changed the channel. During my vacation time my mornings are the laziest.A coffee mug in my hand, i start reading the newspaper and I am taken back as i read the same news i saw last night on TV on the front page.I didnt know that the news which thought to be just another rape case is something that will shake the nation.The very next moment i turn on the TV and this news is all over every news channel.The news i saw was so shocking that for some moments i was just hoping its just a dream.How can human beings turn up this brutal???But it was the harsh reality. It was all over the social-networking sites.People where angry on the Government.Yess me too..How can such heinous crime happen in the capital city and that too in a moving bu...