
If there is anything that every person is looking for irrespective of country, religion, caste is HAPPINESS. The one thing which we always want is to be happy. Everything comes after that and so it is important for us to know to be happy. There was a wrong notion that happiness is something which we can acquire after we do this and after we do that. But thanks to all the spiritual gurus and all the self-help books that came to the market which made people realise it is an inside job.There are lots of researches being done on this topic because it is something someone is looking for. I believe that I am a happy person and I always try to understand why people around me are not happy. Its the happy people who are more productive at work and are successful in their life and it is never the other way round. If you look around you will see someone who is making more money than you, getting a much luxurious car than you own but the research say that they just don't add to happiness...