Post 3:Lets DE-STRESS.

Stress is so common these days.Even a school going kid goes through stress that schools have kept counsellors.When did the world turn so bad?Why are we turning into machines? I feel its time to pause and realise that we are human beings and not machines.We have emotions unlike them and needed to be treated that way. We are stressed about exam,job,relationships,competition and the list seems endless.The simple way to de-stress life(according to me): 1) Be with the right kind of people: Be with happy people and people who have a positive aspect.As per psychology you turn to be like the people you spend your time with.So hangout with the right kind of people.Stay away from negative-talk and people who do that.They are not doing any good for themselves or you. 2) Meditation or Yoga: This is one of the things that has helped me immensely.It helps you to calm down.If not yoga then atleast start meditation.This will take the negative energy out of you and turn you...